Residential Retreat

Sally Armstrong

Registration Opens February 1, 2025


Insight San Diego Welcomes

Sally Armstrong

Residential Retreat

Mindfulness and Equanimity

April 6-10, 2025

What draws many of us to the practice of meditation is the possibility of cultivating a more balanced, open, and compassionate heart. What can support that capacity is developing equanimity, a mental state of resilience, equipoise and responsiveness. Equanimity is an important aspect of mindfulness, the core meditation practice in the Buddhist tradition. In this retreat, we will explore and practice with the Satipatthana sutta, the discourse of the Buddha that gives detailed instructions on mindfulness, known as vipassana or Insight meditation. In this text we are invited to directly experience the nature of our body and mind, with emphasis on understanding impermanence - anicca - and not self - anatta. These important insights can lead to letting go, equanimity and freedom here and now.

Equanimity is an important part of many other meditation practices and lists, such as the Seven Factors of Awakening and the Ten Paramis. The instructions and talks at the retreat will cover different aspects and expressions of equanimity, through mindfulness meditation and the cultivation of the Brahma Vihara of equanimity.

Sally began practicing vipassana meditation in India in 1981 and started teaching in 1996. She is a Stewarding Teacher at Spirit Rock and has served as a co-guiding teacher at Spirit Rock. She developed and led Spirit Rock’s Dedicated Practitioners Program and Advanced Practitioner Program. She has a keen interest in supporting students who want to deepen their practice and understanding. She regularly teaches retreats on themes such as metta or concentration, as well as the multiweek retreats at Spirit Rock and the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts.

Retreat Information

Dates & Times:

April 6, 4 pm - April 10, 1 pm, 2025.

Additional information will be provided with your registration confirmation or during check-in.


Mission San Luis Rey Retreat Center

4050 Mission Ave, Oceanside, CA

Registration Info:

The cost to attend the retreat is:

  • Single rooms are offered on a sliding scale at $675, $725, and $750
  • Commuter attendance are offered on a sliding scale at $275 and $325

We are offering a sliding scale in hopes that the retreat is accessible to all.

Your registration fee goes toward non-teacher expenses. Sally offers teachings on a dana basis. Dana for Sally can be given here or by cash/check at the retreat.

At this time we are not accepting new scholarship applications. Please send an email to to be notified if additional scholarships for Sally's retreat become available.

Additional Info:

This is a silent insight meditation retreat and will include periods of sitting and walking meditation, meditation instruction, Dharma talks, and practice discussion with the teacher. This retreat is appropriate for all levels of meditation experience.

For additional questions, contact us via email at