Dharma Talk Library
Dharma Talks Hosted by Insight San Diego
The talks were given live at Insight San Diego events or by teachers who are part of the Insight San Diego Community. We offer these talks with the consent of the instructors in the spirit of the Dharma be available to everyone. To select and listen to a talk, click on a teacher’s photo.
Content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Ayya Anandabodhi

Kim Allen

Sally Armstrong

Guy Armstrong

Devin Berry

Santacitta Bhikkhuni

Leslie Booker

Rebecca Bradshaw

Matthew Brensilver

Eugene Cash

Anushka Fernandopulle

Nathan Glyde

Joseph Goldstein

Kevin Griffin

Deborah Ratner Helzer

Zohar Lavie

Nikki Mirghafori

Mark Nunberg

Frank Ostaseski

Liz Powell

Donald Rothberg

Tuere Sala

Sharon Salzberg

Jill Satterfield

Amita Schmidt

Gullu Singh

Tempel Smith

Oren Jay Sofer

Carrie Tamburo

Lienchi Tran

Carol Wilson
Insight San Diego extends its appreciation and gratitude to the teachers for allowing their Dharma talks to be available here.
Inquiries: mediaprod@insightsd.org