Anushka Fernandopulle Residential Retreat

Three Views for Freedom

October 26-30, 2024


Insight San Diego Welcomes

Anushka Fernandopulle

Residential Retreat

Big Bear Retreat Center

October 26-30, 2024

The path of Buddhist practice is designed to help us release stress, strain and suffering in our life through developing insight. One helpful framework that the Buddha taught is the three characteristics: a way of investigating our physical and mental experience that reveals what is true about this life, how our misperceptions get us into trouble, and how we can live lives of greater ease. We will be investigating how the characteristics of impermanence, unreliability, and not-self relate to all aspects of our human life. Join us to learn and practice together in community.


Anushka teaches meditation, works as an organizational consultant, and does leadership coaching with individuals and teams. She teaches workshops and retreats around the globe in organizations, conferences and leadership programs.

Anushka's work brings Eastern practices to Western modern life, making them accessible for individuals and organizations. She is interested in the synthesis of leadership, creativity and awareness, helping leaders to develop courage, clarity and compassion to make their vision come to life.

Anushka has trained in Buddhist meditation for over 30 years, primarily Vipassana or Insight Meditation (the source of secular Mindfulness). After studying Buddhism at Harvard, she spent four years in full-time meditation training in the US, India and Sri Lanka. She was invited to teach Dharma in 1998 and later went through a four year meditation teacher training program with Jack Kornfield, Joseph Goldstein, Sharon Salzberg and other Western Buddhist meditation teachers. Anushka joined the Teacher’s Council at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in 2011.

Program Information

Saturday Oct 26: 4 pm - 9: 30 pm (registration opens at 2 pm)

Sunday Oct 27: 7 am - 9:30 pm

Monday Oct 28: 7 am - 9:30 pm

Tuesday Oct 29: 7 am - 9:30 pm

Wednesday Oct 30: 7 am - 1 pm

Date & Time:


Big Bear Retreat Center

1000 Sugarpine Road, Big Bear City, California 92314

Registration Info:

Your registration fee goes toward non-teacher expenses. Ansuhka offers teachings on a dana basis.

Should finances be an obstacle, please use the Big Bear Retreat Center registration page for information about financial assistance. To be considered for a scholarship, applications need to be received no later than Oct 1, 2024. For additional questions please contact us at


Additional Info:

Please contact Steven at

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